Jul 25, 2004

tired but satisfied

i did what i want to do today...it was a sweet challenge...i biked the whole central park...not with ease but with challenge...challenge because my knees are out of shape (stil hurts) and i was going slow...i even stopped at the north ppart of central park...hiked up a hill with my bike and settled there for a good 30 minutes rest...then off i go again to bike the rest of the whole bike ride...it is pretty tough for beginners like me who doesnt have any exercise at all...uphills are the toughest as proven so many times on my attempts on hiking and biking...after my legs got sore and my back numb...i finally got back to columbus circle...laid my back on the soft green grass, drank some water, felt the wind blowing to my face, opened up my Lord of the Rings book, read a good chapter out of it, looked at the sky, wondered about city life and what's ahead of me, got drowsy with exhaustion of mind and body, fell into a light sleep for 20 minutes then suddenly jolted up to realize that i still have to do rockclimbing on a 30 foot wall in broadway st. between 62nd and 63rd st...it was awesome...my arms got numb after 3 climb...i tried the hard climb and damn!...it was hard!...anyway..got it done...dropped off my back at rohits place...went home...got my laundry back and now i am here...blogging and talking to my friend angela...HI ANGELA!...i wonder wat time mike will be home tonight...hopefully he'll be fine driving back here in NYC...

Posted by nixinne :: 5:37 PM :: 0 Comments:

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